Exhibit E1

Little Sparks. London: Amalgamated Press. No. 9 (new series). 17 July 1920.

This cover-page, four-colour illustration of animal antics at Funland Farm was drawn by S. J. Cash (his initials are to be found in panel 6). more

Exhibit E2

Little Sparks. London: Amalgamated Press. No. 103 (new series). 6 May 1922.

The series “Polly and Pat”, which first saw print in 1920 as a back-cover strip, had supplanted “Funland Farm” more

Exhibit E3

Chuckles. London: Amalgamated Press. Vol. 8, no. 456. 30 September 1922.

The full-colour, page-one strip, “The Adventures of Pongo, Breezy Ben, and the Merry Playmates”, was drawn by Tom Wilkinson. more

Exhibit E4

Chuckles. Grand Fireworks Number. London: Amalgamated Press. Vol. 8, no. 461. 4 November 1922.

Typical of the squashed centre pages in comics of this era, this double-page spread here celebrates Guy Fawkes Day (5th November). more

Exhibit E5

Playtime. London: Amalgamated Press. Vol. 6, no. 132. 1 October 1921.

Harry Rountree drew Micky (without an “e”) Mouse for Playtime from 1919 to 1928. more

Exhibit E6

Playtime Annual 1934. [London]: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1933].

The highway robbery scene on the front cover was drawn and signed by Frederick Parker. more

Exhibit E7

Playtime Annual 1934. [London]: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1933].

Naughty boys Jeff and Juff, “The Boys on Stilts”, turn out to be good boys at heart more

Exhibit E8

Tiger Tim’s Weekly. London: Amalgamated Press. No. 228. 27 March 1926.

One of the longest-running characters in children’s fiction, Tiger Tim was originally created by Julius Stafford Baker more

Exhibit E9

Tiger Tim’s Annual 1923. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1922].

On the coloured cover of this annual: Tiger Tim (his face, as so often, displaying what seems to be a herbally induced grin) more

Exhibit E10

Tiger Tim’s Annual 1923. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1922].

Two pages from a three-page strip, “The Little Cabin-Boy”, about abused cabin boy Jack, his trusty dog Rover, more

Exhibit E11

Puck. London: Amalgamated Press. No. 1475. 5 November 1932.  

Cover-page strip “Jingle’s Jolly Circus” drawn by Walter Booth, an artist best remembered for his adventure-strip artwork more

Exhibit E12

Puck Annual 1928. London: Amalgamated Press. [1927].

This Puck Annual displays the variety of content that made the annuals so attractive and popular: stories, short strips, both humorous and adventure more

Exhibit E13

Puck Annual 1928. London: Amalgamated Press. [1927].

This annual includes four Rob the Rover strips, each four pages long, drawn by pioneering adventure strip artist Walter Booth more

Exhibit E14

The Rainbow. London: Amalgamated Press. Vol.22, no. 1093. 26 January 1935.

The Bruin Boys drawn in Foxwell-style, but not by Herbert Foxwell himself, more

Exhibit E15

The Rainbow Annual 1927. London: Amalgamated Press. [1926].

The cover of this annual presents all of the Rainbow characters congregating on and around an Indian elephant more

Exhibit E16

The Rainbow Annual 1927. London: Amalgamated Press. [1926].

A two-page Little Goose-Girl picture story (no connection with the Grimm Brothers’ Goose Girl) more

Exhibit E17

The Playbox. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. Vol. 5, no. 207. 2 February 1929.

The cover illustration, “The Chummy Boys Visit the Toy-Shop”, is signed “HSF” more

Exhibit E18

Playbox Annual 1934. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1933].

On the cover of this annual, the Merry Chummy Boys receive advance notice of a visit by Tiger Tim more

Exhibit E19

Playbox Annual 1934. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1933].

The Chummy Boys again, two pages from a three-page set by Herbert S. Foxwell, more

Exhibit E20

Bubbles. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. Vol. 21, no. 521. 11 April 1931.

Mrs. Bunty’s Boys – Snowball (Eskimo), Ching (Chinese), Pompey (African), Hans (Dutch), more

Exhibit E21

Bubbles Annual 1937. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1936].

In the large soap bubble, the carolling Bunty Boys are rewarded by Mrs. Bunty and Mabs. more

Exhibit E22

Bubbles Annual 1937. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1936].

“Yo Ho Ho! For the Bunty Pirate Crew!” – a comic strip that has to be read across the two-page spread. more

Exhibit E23

The Sunbeam. London: Amalgamated Press. No. 262 (new series). 17 February 1931

“Best for Stories, Pictures and Picture-Stories!” On page 1, a humorous strip featuring The Merry Mischiefs, more

Exhibit E24

The Sunbeam Annual. Uncle Jack’s Joy-Book of Pictures, Stories and Tricks. 1935. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1934].

Features characters from the comic Sunbeam, plus the usual mix of adventure strips, stories, poems, full-page colour plates, more

Exhibit E25

The Sunbeam Annual. Uncle Jack’s Joy-Book of Pictures, Stories and Tricks. 1935. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1934].

Two pages (pp. 58–59) of an adventure strip presenting a tale about how an act of kindness opens up friendship more

Exhibit E26

The Chicks’ Own. London: Amalgamated Press. Vol. 6, no. 145. 30 June 1923.

The hyphenated comic The Chicks’ Own (“the jol-li-est week-ly pa-per that comes out ev-ery Tues-day”) more

Exhibit E27

The Chicks’ Own Annual 1936. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1935].

A large-format, large-print, hyphenated annual for the nursery. more

Exhibit E28

The Chicks’ Own Annual 1936. London: Fleetway House [Amalgamated Press]. [1935].

“Dreamy David”, an 8-panel hyphenated strip (as a rule, names were not hyphenated in The Chick’s Own) by an unknown artist. more